Sunday, December 28, 2008

Depressing Christmas??

While enjoying our week-long Christmas break with family in Nebraska, one occasionally heard some "depressing" things on TV or radio. Of course, bad news sells. Equally as important, we need to maintain perspective about the US economy in recession--and gauge whether we're even close to a depression.

One indicator would be the unemployment lines. Take a look at the monthly unemployment rates for the 30s and today. (The scale along the bottom is measured in months since the start date of the data.)

Next, turn your attention to news about manufacturing productivity. These are reasons why Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, an expert on studies about the Great Depression, says we are no way close today.

The round trip to Nebraska was easy on my wallet this year, thanks to the cost of oil. I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday time with family & friends. I'll leave you with a Tannenbaum courtesy of OPEC! (The graph represents monthly oil prices for the past two years.)

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