Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Behavioral Style

Do you know what motivates you? Would you like to know what makes others tick?

I have found this knowledge invaluable in my relations with people.

I have taught & lectured on this topic over the past 10 years--speaking to small groups of 20 people and to a couple larger groups--in one instance to a standing room only crowd of about 200 active participants.

I have discovered a simple image test that can help you pinpoint your own behavioral style. It is about 80% reliable in describing the predominant behavioral style of individuals.

I invite you to take this test. Most people are amazed at what they'll discover.

Please take a look at each of the nine images below--then select the one you find most appealing as you consider its shape and color. There is no right or wrong answer here. Every choice is a valid one--and there is one most appealing choice for everyone.

Now if you are truly torn between a couple of images, please choose the one that you feel most comfortable with.

Please note that there is no pattern or meaning to the order of the images represented below.

The information you are about to view is a high-level summary of psychological information based on the DISC model based on the work of William Moulton Marston Ph.D. (1893 - 1947) to examine the behavior of individuals in their environment or within a specific situation. DISC looks at behavioral styles and behavioral preferences.

The tests classify four aspects of behavior by testing a person's preferences--in our case with image association. DISC is an acronym for:

* Dominance - relating to control, power and assertiveness
* Influence - relating to social situations and communication
* Steadiness - relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness
* Conscientiousness - relating to structure and organization

In a comprehensive DISC evaluation, each individual will have attribute scores in all four dimensions.

The following is a brief summary based on the image your found most appealing. At this point in the article, I recommend that you quickly scroll down to the image you found most appealing to discover what it reveals about your personality.

This is a cooperative behavioral style.

  • You are easy going, yet discrete.

  • You make friends effortlessly, yet enjoy privacy & independence.

  • You like to get away from it all and be alone occasionally to contemplate the meaning of life and enjoy yourself.

  • You need space and escape to beautiful hideaways but you're not a loner.

  • You're at peace with yourself and the world.

  • You appreciate life and what the world has to offer.

You are motivated by:

  • Recognition for developing others.

  • Support for decision-making.

This is a paced & patient behavioral style.

  • You value a natural style and love the uncomplicated.

  • You have both feet planted firmly on the ground.

  • People can depend on you.

  • You give others security and space.

  • You're perceived as warm and human.

  • You reject that which is garish and trite.

  • You tend to be skeptical of the whims of fashion trends.

  • Your clothing is practical and unobtrusively elegant.

You are motivated by:

  • Validation of personal worth.

  • Creativity.

  • A steady, stable pace.

  • Harmony and cooperation.

This is a rather unique mid-line behavioral style.

  • You are a very sensitive person.

  • You refuse to view things from only a sober, rational viewpoint.

  • You rely on feelings to tell you what's important.

  • You feel it's important to have dreams in life.

  • You're perceived as warm and human.

  • You reject people who scorn romanticism and are guided only by rationality.

  • You refuse to let anything confine the rich variety of your moods and emotions.

This is a systematic, conforming behavioral style.

  • You like that which is of high quality and durable.

  • You surround yourself with little "gems" that you discover which have been overlooked by others.

  • Culture plays a special role in your life.

  • You have a personal style which is elegant and exclusive--free from the whims of fashion.

You are motivated by:

  • Security of basic benefits.

  • Praise for accomplishments.

  • A structured environment.

This is a outgoing behavioral style.

  • You love a free, spontaneous life.

  • You attempt to fulfill it with the motto, "You only live once."

  • You are very curious and open about everything new.

  • You thrive on change.

  • Nothing is worse than when you feel tied down.

  • You enjoy a versatile environment and are always good for a surprise.

You are motivated by:

  • Public recognition.

  • Opportunities for money, status and territory.

  • Being a team player.

  • Interacting with people.

This is a reserved behavioral style.

  • You come to grips more frequently and more thoroughly with yourself and your environment.

  • You detest superficiality.

  • You'd rather be alone than suffer through small talk.

  • Your relationships with your friends is very strong. This gives you inner tranquility and harmony.

  • You do not mind being alone for extended periods of time.

  • You rarely become bored.

You are motivated by:

  • Private recognition.

  • Personal time alone.

  • An opportunity to contemplate.

  • A private, peaceful work setting.

This is a dominant, controlling behavioral style.

  • You take charge of your life and place less faith in luck and more in your own deeds.

  • You solve problems in a practical, uncomplicated manner.

  • You take a realistic view of things in your daily life and tackle them without waivering.

  • You're given much responsibility because people can depend on you.

  • Your strength of will projects self-assurance.

  • You're never fully satisfied until you've accomplished your ideas.

You are motivated by:

  • Measured, tangible results.

  • Position of power & prestige.

  • Daily challenges.

This is a independent behavioral style.

  • You demand a free, unattached life that allows you to determine your own course.

  • You have an artistic bent in your work and leisure activities.

  • Your urge for freedom can cause you to exactly the opposite of what's expected.

  • You lifestyle is highly individualistic.

  • You'd never blindly imitate what is "in."

  • You seek to live according to your own ideas and convictions, even if it means swimming against the tide.

You are motivated by:

  • Freedom of choice.

  • Minimal rules and policies.

  • Minimal supervision.

  • Activities out of the norm.

This is a urgent, action-oriented behavioral style.

  • You willingly accept risk and make a strong commitment in exchange for interesting and varied work.

  • Routine tends to have a paralyzing effect on you.

  • You like most to play an active role in events.

  • Your initiative is highly pronounced.

You are motivated by:

  • Action taking.

  • A variety of work.

  • Time pressure.

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