Friday, May 1, 2009

Cost of Getting Around

Americans are becoming more resourceful in their travel habits these days. Something changed in the middle of 2008. Perhaps it was the shock of paying over $4 per gallon at the pump.

I know my driving habits have changed. Now I drive down our area 6-lane highway at 60 mph instead of 70. I checked the savings out with my Corvette. At 70 mph I average 32 mpg--and at 60 mph that increases to 38 mpg, a full six miles per gallon savings!

That hooked me--plus I find life is more relaxing in the slow lane.

Motorists across the nation are driving less these days. Couple that with the major decline in a barrel of oil and it's quite a savings.

Just consider:
  • The typical car is driven 10,000 annually.
  • Say it gets 20 mpg on average.
  • Once gas was $4 per gallon--now let's say it's $2 per gallon, or a $2 savings over last summer.
  • That's a $1,000 annual savings. Ie, 10,000/20 times $2.
A typical American owns 2 cars--for a total annual savings then of $2,000.

If that household makes $50,000 per year, it's the equivalent of a 4% boost in spendable household income.

It's one of the reasons why we are starting to see some recovery in the US economy--people have a bit of disposable income, and they are starting to spend it again.

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